Through a brand-new facility, you can now make easy on-line donations to our parish through our Online Parish Offertory portal by simply by clicking the link below.  This is an easy, swift and safe method of payment.  It allows you to make a one-off donation and if you are a taxpayer to Gift Aid your contributions making it worth 25% more at no extra cost.  All your donations will be paid weekly to our parish.

You can also donate via the Diocesan portal ( but you need to pick the parish by entering a few letters in the search (Andr, for example, is enough to direct you to this parish, St. Andrew's) and then decide how much you wish to donate.

We appreciate how difficult these times are for many people and we are most grateful for the on-going support of parishioners.

You can also donate very easily by scanning the QR Code below.   Thank you for your support.